IsoCal App Version History

Version 1.4.5 – Sep 16, 2024


  • Fixed how the ‘practical absorption coefficient’ is calculated as it showcased wrong results before in certain cases.
  • Fixed an issue where the m2 calculation under ‘Settings’ would show too many decimals.
  • Fixed an issue where the critical frequency would not calculate correctly in the ‘Double Wall’ calculation module when using both Layer 1 and 2.

New Content

  • Added a ‘Copy data’ button for both Single Panel and Double Wall result pages. The user can now press and hold the copy icon to copy the data to the clipboard


  • Overhauled how the results are showcased for Single Panel, Double Wall and Absorption coefficient. It now has better structure and more detail.

Version 1.4.3 – Aug 3, 2024

New Content

  • Added ‘Critical frequency’ calculation of the chosen individual plates under the plate information. This is accessed by tapping on the plate in the 2D Material viewer.
  • Added a ‘Reset’ button for both ‘Single Panel’ and ‘Double Wall’ calculation modules. This is done to easier reset the calculation modules if the user wishes to start from scratch.


  • Changed how the dimensions of the wall under ‘Settings’ is displayed. It now calculates the squaremeter dimensions of the wall under the ‘Dimensions’ settings.

Version 1.4.2 – May 29, 2024

New Content

  • Added textures for the 3D viewer in order to make it easier for the user to know what material has been chosen. There is now an option in ‘Settings’ to toggle between ‘Simple’ and ‘Textures’. Textures is by default toggled ON.
  • Added several new textures for the material database


  • Changed how ‘Stud spacing’ input parameter is presented. It is now more telling what inout is needed when choosing a connection type.

Version 1.4.1 – Mar 5, 2024

New Content

  • Implemented a material search function in several calculation modules. This is done to quickly navigate through the material list as the list grows in future updates


  • Changed the way the Sound Reduction Index is calculated near critical frequencies
  • Significant structural changes of the code and material database.
  • Changed the visuals for textinput boxes, they are now more self-explanatory.

Version 1.4.0 – Jan 22, 2024


  • Fixed an error where on Ipad, the depth of cavity, thickness of absorption material and stud spacing, wouldn’t give an error when inputting incorrect symbols.

New Content

  • Implemented new calculation methods for ‘Single Panel’ and ‘Double Wall’ calculation modules. The implemented methods, comes from Jens Holger Rindel’s work “Sound Insulation In Buildings. 2018”. The New Calculation methods take modes of the wall dimensions into effect, especially seen for thicker walls. Try playing with the wall dimensions in ‘Settings’ to see the effect. This means that IsoCal will be moving away from Davy’s work in regards to sound insulation calculation.
  • Added and updated several materials from J.H.Rindel. (2018). “Sound Insulation In Buildings”.
  • Added several new connections and sound bridges from J.H. Rindel (2018). “Sound Insulation In Buildings”


  • Changed ‘Settings’, the user can now input wall dimensions
  • Minor changes in the Main menu, there is now a ‘Check for updates’ button.
  • Minor visual changes in the ‘Single Panel’ calculation module
  • Major structural changes in the calculation modules. This should future proof the code more and make the software more stable for future updates

Version 1.2.1 – Oct 1, 2023

New Content

  • Added a Fullscreened 3D View for ‘Single Panel’ and ‘Double Wall’ by tapping the 3D view.
  • Added a ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Environmental Rating’ scores for materials when viewing the material information. This is done to better give the user an idea of the environmental impact of their design.
  • Added a ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Environmental Rating’ scores for the entire walls in the ‘Single Panel’ and ‘Double Wall’ modules under ‘Result Table’


  • Changed the way contact information is shown in ‘Information’. There are now 3 buttons ‘Website’, ‘Linkedin’ and ‘Mail’

Version 1.2.0 – Jul 23, 2023


  • Fixed an error where the material information would not showcase the correct thickness.

New Content

  • Added a 3D View for ‘Single Panel’ and ‘Double Wall’, to better visualize the designed wall. This can be activated by tapping the red “2D/3D” button underneath the Material-viewer.


  • Changed the material information and added a ‘Surface mass’ showcasing the mass in kilograms per m2.

Version 1.1.6 – May 7, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the result graph would not scale correctly and clip out of the screen

New Content

  • Added an absorption class for the diffuse sound absorption calculation. This is calculated according to ISO 11654 – values aw (with shape indicators) and class E to A are shown. Note: Absorption ratings are usually only given for measured values of absorption coefficient. Therefore the ratings given are only indicative and does not relate to actual measurements.


  • Changed material properties of several materials.
  • Updated the texture for fibreglass material.
  • Updated the calculation method for Diffuse Sound Absorption. It now calculated the oblique sound absorption coefficient and the diffuse sound absorption according to ISO 12354-6 Annex B.

Version 1.1.2 – Mar 13, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where calculating in the Double Wall module would reset the calculation results of the normal incidence absorption coefficient in the Absorption module.
  • Fixed an issue where Layer 1 and Layer 2 in the Single Panel module, would hold on to values of thickness and platenumbers, which led to wrong results.

New Content

  • Added an extra view for the Material-viewer. The user can now scroll up on the Material-viewer for a hatch-drawing.
  • Added the ability to tap on the material in the Material-viewer for information about the material.
  • Added a navigation bar at the bottom for quick access to the different calculation modules.
  • Added a thickness indicator under the Material-viewer for Single Panel and Double Wall modules.


  • Changed values for the internal loss of some materials.
  • Changed how the numbers are registrered with inputs for plate thickness, The user can now use decimals when needed, but will give an error if the number contains multiple decimal seperators.
  • Minor changes regarding the looks and scaling in the Double Wall module.
  • Changes to the way the wall explaination text is shown above the Material-viewer.
  • Changes to how the Rw, C and Ctr values are shown in the modules and the datasheets. It is now more visually clearer.
  • Visual changes on the main menu screen.

Version 1.0.13 – Feb 15, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the autoscaling would not scale correctly. Updated the autoscaling to avoid objects clipping out of the screenview.
  • Fixed some minor errors in some material names
  • Fixed an error where the airgap in the Absorption material builder view, wouldn’t scale correctly


  • Changed the way the material-viewer shows materials. It now scales a texture to showcase the real material
  • Changed the scaling of several tables
  • Changed the way the user accesses the End User License Agreement ‘EULA’. It can now be found in the information tap
  • Added App dependencies and their respective version-number and licenses. It can now be found in the bottom of the information tap

Version 1.0.10 – Jan 19, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the reduction index, among other variables would be held for both single and double walls.
  • Fixed an error in the absorption coefficient plot pop-up, where it would display “dB” on the y-axis

New Content

  • Added the Diffuse sound absorption according to Annex D in ISO 10534-1:2001. This diffuse sound absorption is a work in progress, and should only be applied to absorbers without any parallel transmission along the absorber (which is not the case for absorbers with an airgap behind it).


  • Changed the Terms Of Use pop-up, so that it will show up within the first 5 seconds of starting the app, when on the main-menu.
  • Made the “Information” and “Global Parameters” page scroll-able

Version 1.0.0 – Jan 11, 2023

Official release on Apple App Store for IOS Devices