How to improve existing structures?

How do we enhance Sound Insulation in Existing Buildings?

The need for effective sound insulation in existing older buildings can become a reality when renovating. Whether it’s an office space or a residential complex, obtaining a great sound insulation can be essential.

When considering sound insulation upgrades, one of the key areas to address is the choice of wall linings. 
Take, for instance, the case of a classic brickwall in an existing building. Integrating a high-quality (and decoupled!) plasterboard wall lining onto such a surface can work wonders in significantly reducing the transmission of unwanted noise and hence increasing the sound reduction index. The combination of the solid brick base and the added layer of sound-dampening plasterboard wall lining, creates a formidable barrier against external disturbances, and may be enough to meet building regulations.

However, there is a downside to this, as the wall linings will require space and end up reducing the total living area. Something to consider!